Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I Heart Faces {Best Face of 2012)

Some of my favorite shots are totally impromptu.  My son, Grayson, was playing outside on a warm, Fall day.  He took his shirt off because he was getting sweaty.  I noticed the light coming through the trees behind him and ran to grab my camera.  I came back and asked him to rest his head on the railing and this was the shot I got.  One of my favorites for sure.  Please click on the picture to see it full-size.

Go to I Heart Faces to check out more amazing entries!

Photo Challenge Submission

Monday, December 12, 2011

I Heart Faces {Furry Faces}

One of the many "joys" of living in the country is the stray cats that seem to always find their way to our doorstep. This is one that the boys affectionately call, "Yellow Kitty." This one is friendlier than most and drives me nuts because every time we open the door to the house or the car, he's tries to run in. But, the boys love that he lets them carry him around and chase him all over the yard. I captured this sweet, but rare, moment in which both the cat and my son were sitting still:) Check out other Furry Faces at I Heart Faces!

Monday, November 14, 2011

I Heart Faces {Autumn Splendor}

This week's theme at I Heart Faces is Autumn Splendor. I love how becoming a photographer has made me really stop and take the time to notice the beauty around me. Every day this Fall, as I drove my boys to school, we would pass through beautiful countryside with the most amazing colors of leaves. I noticed when the light was coming through the leaves in a "picture perfect" way and would grab my camera and make one of my boys pose in front of the beautiful light. Here's one from a recent shoot that says "Autumn Spendor" to me. The little guys mom thought to bring the apples and it was a great idea! Check out more at I Heart Faces! Click on the image to view it full-size:)

Monday, November 7, 2011

I Heart Faces {Black}

A few weeks ago, my childhood best friend brought her little girl over to do 6-month pictures. She had the great idea of bringing her daughter's Halloween costume to snap a few pictures in. I love this picture of the little bumblebee:) To see more pictures, go to I Heart Faces!

Monday, September 12, 2011

I Heart Faces {Back to School}

I really wanted to enter a photo this week, but when I looked at the pictures I had taken of the boys on their first day of school, I wasn't really excited to enter them. They were your standard, sit-in-front-of-the-house-with-your-backpack-on kind of pictures. Blah. They will be great to remember the day by, but they just didn't scream, "back to school." So, as I scurried around this morning making microwaved pancakes and Eggo waffles, thinking about this week's theme, I grabbed my camera and took this shot. What says "back to school" more than eating microwaved breakfasts at the counter, watching some cartoons as Mom scurries around to gather the backpack, homework, and, oh yeah, it's "bring a stuffed animal to school" day?? Check out more entries at I Heart Faces!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

{9 Days New}

I've had so much fun capturing some of the most important events in my friend's life. If you remember, I took pics at Becky's baby shower, her maternity pics, and just last week, took sweet little Kinley's first professional pictures! In just a few short hours she had stolen my heart! She's just so little and beautiful. And, Mommy and Daddy are just head-over-heels! Here are a few pictures from our session. I can't wait to do her 3 month pics!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011